
  • Release date : Nov 9 2013 - 13:59
  • View : 2516
  • Visitor : 42
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

Professor Malek Zadeh Visits SBMU Comprehensive Research Labs

Professor Reza Malek Zadeh, the Deputy-Minister in Research & Technology Affairs visited the SBMU comprehensive research labs.

The visit took place while Professor Malek Zadeh was being accompanied by Professors Peyvandi, the SBMU Chancellor, Rahmati, Vice-Chancellor in Research Affairs, Vahidi, The Dean of the SBMU School of Pharmacy, as well as the directors of the research centers of the visited labs.

The facilities visited included the Phytochemistry Lab, the Phytochemistry Research Center, Small Scale Animal Radiography Center, PCR, Flow Cytometry, HPTLC, Nuclear Magnetic Lab, Labs related to the Department of Pharmaceutics, including Fermentation, Medicinal Microbiology, Drug Quality Control, Bio-Pharmacy, Pharmacokinetics, Physio-Mechanical Analyses, Medicinal Chemistry Labs including Organic Chemistry, General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Research lab, Biotechnology Lab, Electrophoresis, Light Mocroscope, Chemical Synthesis, Medicinal Technology Development Center, as well as the Library of the SBMU School of Pharmacy.

Professor Kobarfar, the director of the Comprehensive Research Labs briefed the attendants on the history, functions, and efficiency of the equipment and machinery available in drug production, and explained issues related to the future of the labs at the SBMU which had all been welcomed by Professor Malek Zadeh. Professor Malek Zadeh, the Deputy-Minister in Research Affairs noted at the end of his visit that SBMU has done a great job at the national level.

Professor Vahidi, the Dean of the SBMU School of Pharmacy also provided the audience about the activities performed at the school.  

  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 5732